
HISTORY….About Hearts of Harmony Chorus


Chorus Beginnings

This vibrant a cappella barbershop journey has roots that began in 1993 with six enthusiastic women who loved to sing. These women came together and raised their voices in those ‘tight, 4-part harmonies’, one of whom was Director at that time, Pam Warkentin.

By 2001 the chorus was 20 members strong! On February 25, 2002 the group was chartered as a Sweet Adelines International chorus called the Hearts of Harmony!

Today we proudly boast a phenomenal membership of 46 women ranging in ages from 10 – 92!!! Incredible!!! Big hearts, beautiful voices, happy faces AND we’re growing! This amazing growth is the resulting combination of kind & caring women with a desire to sing. Women who are dedicated to the journey they are on within the chorus. It’s a lovely sisterhood based in harmony.

Hearts of Harmony has the distinct pleasure of multi-generational family participation; the Robertson family – mother Ev (yes you guessed it, not only a lovely voice, but our oldest member), her daughter Sheryl (our esteemed Director), and Sheryl’s daughter Caiti. Another three generations of women being Meg Sinclair, her daughter Joanna Sheppard and Joanna’s daughter Autumn (currently our youngest member).

We are not only 46 members strong, we boast a membership of ‘long-term’ participants that are the lifeblood of continuity, warmly welcoming all the newer members that have come and gone since they joined, many of whom have remained.

Hearts of Harmony has proudly participated in many regional competitions over the years, ‘striving for AND achieving’ improved scores, which has resulted in us becoming Red Deer’s premiere a cappella barbershop chorus in our community. We proudly perform throughout the year at various functions such as Canada Day and the Festival of Trees, nursing homes, women’s conferences, etc.

Our members come from far and wide, driving to weekly rehearsals from surrounding communities of Sylvan Lake, Sundre, Stettler, Olds, Lacombe, Innisfail and Calgary. With today’s technology, we can ZOOM ‘meet & rehearse’ which has proven to be invaluable during our Alberta winters!  It was incredibly instrumental during COVID, allowing the chorus to survive during those dark days. ZOOM rehearsals allowed our membership to stay connected with each other, and to thrive as a chorus during those difficult times.

In short, the six women who came together in 1993 created a chorus platform that has grown remarkably and flourished through time. We excitedly look forward to the future and hope you understand that we are always ready and very happy to welcome new members. We invite you to join us!   COME TO SING! STAY TO GROW!


chorus 2007




Copyright © 2025 Hearts of Harmony